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Mary Ellen Brett posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
To the Varga Family,
My sympathy at the passing of Constantine & Anita Grace. I fondly remember their kindness when I was in St. Agnes School in the 70's.
I was always grateful for their support of the mission
office. God bless & my prayers.
Sr. Mary Ellen Brett, SSJ
Director, Society for the Propagation of the Faith
Freddie and Bill Capshaw posted a condolence
Monday, August 12, 2024
Dear Vicky, Tom, Paul, and extended family,
We are saddened to learn that your mom and dad
are gone, but happy that they managed to go within a short time of each other, and, as always, headed in the same direction. We first met your dad when I was working at Saranac Hospital in 1981. He and Olga, their wonderful medical records librarian, took me under their wings as a new employee. Then Fran introduced us to Anita, and we shared many wonderful times with them, going back and forth to each other's homes for dinner. We are grateful that they were a part of our lives here in Lake Placid. Through news from them, we've followed your accomplishments over the years, which were an enormous source of pride and joy for them. And,
those grandchildren---how they loved them!
Freddie and Bill Capshaw
Mary Wescott Merrill posted a condolence
Sunday, August 11, 2024
When my husband passed away he had to have an autopsy. It was easier for me to know it was Dr. Varga who performed it,as I knew he was a very kind and compassionate person and would treat my husband with respect. Mary Merrill
Cheryl Breen-Randall posted a condolence
Saturday, August 10, 2024
I first met Dr. Varga when I began work at Placid Memorial Hospital in 1980 and he was the pathologist there and at the General Hospital of Saranac Lake. Always the professional and a gentleman, he was the one who broke the news to me that my 14-year-old son had a rare malignant tumor. He told me that the tumor was so rare that he sent it onto a national institute in DC for confirmation. He was correct in his diagnosis. When he called me at home to break the news, he told me that if I had any questions, concerns or just needed to talk to someone, even if it was 3 am in the morning, to call him on his personal phone. He and I had our first granddaughters just weeks apart, and we spent many breaks and lunch hours comparing notes and sharing stories of our beloved granddaughters. Not only was he a brilliant man, but he was also kind, compassionate and a wonderfully decent human being. The world was a better place with Fran Varga in it. A devout Catholic, rest in peace and paradise with your savior Dr. Varga.
Marie McBride posted a condolence
Friday, August 9, 2024
I first met Dr. Varga when he interviewed me, for the position of Laboratory Director, the day before Winter Carnival 1978. We worked together from July 1978 to February 2008 when I retired, but he continued to work. Those thirty years were filled with many happy memories as he shared his wisdom and wit with me.
He hired me to attain various certifications of the College of American Pathologists, American Association of Blood Banks, etc. We and the entire laboratory staff, all excellent and loyal, made a great team and the morale was always high. Thankfully, many of the talented staff still work in the laboratory and I hope those who follow will honor Dr. Varga's memory by doing their very best to help save lives. Dr. Varga liked to quote one of the Mayo Clinic's findings that 80% of diagnoses are made from laboratory test results. Anyone who had the privilege to work with Dr. Varga knew how much he valued our laboratory, the community, and patients' lives!
Johnathan Sykes posted a condolence
Thursday, August 8, 2024
It breaks my heart to hear of Dr. Vargas passing. He was a patient and kind soul who taught me a lot about my chosen profession. I always enjoyed working closely with him. I have missed him since I moved away years ago, but now i miss more since the world is without his soul. God Bless the family. God bless the people of the tri-lakes who are all the better for having known him.
Catherine Richards posted a condolence
Thursday, August 8, 2024
To the Vargas family. Your mother and father were wonderful friends to my parents for many many years. Everyone there was a fun story, the Vargas were involved. After my dad passed and I moved my mother here to an assisted living facility , Anita and Fran kept in touch with her. She loved the emails cards and phone calls. My best to you. Another era of Lake Placid families.
Cathy Richards
The family of Constantine Francis Varga, MD uploaded a photo
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

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DAVID R BLAISE8q4gh lit a candle
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Memorial Tree was planted for Constantine Varga, MD
Monday, August 5, 2024

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at M B Clark Inc Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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